
[smart Infrastructure] 빌딩자동화사업부 Project Manager, Korea South

게시됨 2024-10-02
만료 2024-11-02
ID #2373136387
[smart Infrastructure] 빌딩자동화사업부 Project Manager, Korea South
Korea South, 서울, 서울,
게시됨 October 2, 2024


Build this New Chapter with us…We are a technology company focused on industry,infrastructure, transport, and healthcare.

From more resource-efficientfactories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleanerand more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, we createtechnology with purpose adding real value for customers.

By combining the realand the digital worlds, we empower our customers to transform their industriesand markets, helping them to transform the everyday for billions of people.

Change the future with us…Using your expertise, you will be responsible for: Project Management & engineering1.

Project Opening & Clarification- check and examine cost, contract & specification, drawing, scope, materials when project handover.2.

Detailed planning- plan all ofmaterials, resource, time, expense3.

Technical Execution- purchase andmanufacture GC, Gimpo, 3rd materials with Procurement Team by dispatchapproval.- dispatchmaterials- construction andinstallation and completion.- commissioning.- forecast Net Sales monthly by Sol NG.4.

Acceptance- release forcustomer acceptance after commissioning.- train customerfor Apogee, Desigo system of site and receive confirmation for completion.


Handover to service- handover toservice team through PMCT after customer acceptance and project startswarranty.

What you need to make real what matters.- 4년제 대학 졸업예정자 및 졸업자- 전기, 전자, 기계 공학 전공자 우대- 영어/한국어 커뮤니케이션 가능한 자- MS Office (Excel, Power Point, Word) 스킬Employment Condition :- 고용형태 : 계약직12개월 (근무성과평가후정직전환가능성 있음)- 직급 : 사원 - 근무지 : 서울 본사 사무소 - 근무시작일 : ASAPOthers :- 마감일자 : 채용시마감 (선접수, 선평가)- 제출 서류 : 국문 이력서/경력기술서및 영문이력서/Coverletter 를 하나의 pdf 파일로 upload 해주시기 바랍니다.

- 전형절차 : 서류심사 > 면접 > 건강검진/온라인인적성검사 > 처우면담- 결과는개별통보합니다.- 이력서 제출 시, 직무의 수행에 필요하지 않은 개인정보 (구직자 본인의 용모, 키, 체중 등의 신체적 조건/구직자본인의 출신지역, 혼인여부, 재산/ 구직자 본인의 직계 존비속 및 형제자매의 학력, 직업, 재산) 는 기재하지 마십시오.

- 국가보훈대상자와장애자는관련서류제출시관계법에따라우대합니다.- 영문이름은여권상의이름과동일하게기재하십시오.- 입사지원서내용에허위사실이판명될경우, 입사가취소될수있습니다.

Make your markin our exciting world at Siemens. - if you need further information on theapplication process.

작업 세부 정보:

직업 종류: 풀 타임
계약 유형: 영구적인
급여 유형: 월간 간행물
직업: [smart infrastructure] 빌딩자동화사업부 project manager

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