COOK HELPER 공석, 여주시, 경기도. 무료 이력서를 작성하고 가까운 채용 제안을 찾아보세요. 무료 채용 알림을 사용해 보세요.1) Assists COOK, KETTLE to cook food products, such as juices, meats, fruits, or preserves, preparatory to canning or preserving, performing any combination of following duties: Weighs or measures ingredients, such as sugar, salt, meat, lard, berries, or fruit, according to formula, using platform scale, weighing hopper, and measuring containers. 2) Transfers materials to cooking area by hand or handtruck. 3) Turns valves to admit steam to kettle-heating jacket, and dumps ingredients into kettle to precook or melt them. 4) Cleans cooking kettles and containers, using water and pressurized steam. 5) May stir contents of cooking kettle with paddle and skim off foam or foreign materials, using ladle or spoon. 6) May stack and tally containers. 7) May be designated according to food product being processed as Cook Helper, Fruit; Cook Helper, Juice; Cook Helper, Meat; Cook Helper, Preserves. 8) Performs other duties as described under HELPER Master Title.Source: