
[cj제일제당] 식품성장추진실 M&a 경력사원 채용, Korea South

게시됨 2024-08-30
만료 2024-09-30
ID #2315870491
[cj제일제당] 식품성장추진실 M&a 경력사원 채용, Korea South
Korea South, 서울, 서울,
게시됨 August 30, 2024


직무정보 채용공고 상세 목록 회사명 직무명 M&A 근무형태 정규직 채용구분 경력 근무지 서울 직무소개 [Introducingthe Food M&A Team] The CJ Cheil Jedang Food M&A Team is responsible for establishing and executing M&A strategiesto drive the global expansion of K-Food.

We identify potential acquisitiontargets within the global processed food industry that align with our growthstrategy, execute deals (primarily focused on cross-border transactions),manage the sale and restructuring of food business subsidiaries, and provideclose support for key executives’ decision-making processes (CEO, CGO, etc,).

Asa member of the Food M&A Team, you will gain experience in the entire M&A process, from formulating inorganic strategies by region and productcategory, to identifying and reviewing acquisition targets, and managingbusiness performance post-acquisition through a comprehensive PMI process.

Youwill also havethe opportunity tospearhead and conduct due diligence on global investment opportunitiesworldwide, contributing to the acceleration of our global expansion strategyfor the food business.[Key Responsibilities]§Deal Sourcing-Identifyand evaluate potential M&A opportunities by leveraging internal andexternal networks§Market/Target Research -Conductmarket analysis by country, research target information, evaluate financialstatus, and track deal trends for relevant industries-Analyzepotential business synergies and perform preliminary valuations to supportexecutives’ go/no-go decisions§Due Diligence and M&A Decision Support-Leadthe overall deal process and manage the due diligence across business,financial, tax, legal areas-Preparedetailed acquisition feasibility reports for executives’ review, coveringstrategic fit, potential synergies, and acquisition rationale-Developand implement negotiation strategies, reviewandnegotiatedeal-related contracts (mostly in English) and support deal closing§Valuationand Acquisition Structure-Performvaluation analysis using methods such as DCF and relative valuation-Deviseoptimal acquisition structure and negotiation strategies§Inorganic Strategy Development-Formulateinorganic growth strategies by region and product category 지원자격 [We Are Looking For] -Minimumof 10 years of overall work experience, including at least 7 years ofexperience in M&A execution.

Experience should include working with largecorporations or in related fields such as investment banking, private equity,securities firms, accounting firms (FAS), or strategy consulting, etc.

-Profoundexpertise in conducting valuation analysis, supported by strong knowledge infinance and accounting -Provencapabilities in commercial due diligence and post-merger integration -Experiencewith cross-border deals -Experiencein preparing and presenting reports to top management -Outstandinginterpersonal and communication skills 우대사항 [Preferred Qualifications] -Proficiencyin English communication at a level sufficient for managing cross-border deals -Experiencewith deal closing and a comprehensive understanding of the entire M&Aprocess -Backgroundin finance or accounting within a large corporation -Certificationsuch as KICPA or AICPA -In-depthunderstanding or experience in the food or consumer goods industries, bothdomestically and internationally 기타 안내사항 Please submit all details regarding job experience etc.

in English Recruitment Process : Resume Evaluation > Interview> CJAT Aptitude Test(Online) & 2nd Interview > Medical check-up/Reference Check/Offer > Acceptance> Employment Contract > Join ※ Specific schedules will be noticed to candiates seperately and the above process may differ according to internal/external factors

작업 세부 정보:

직업 종류: 풀 타임
계약 유형: 영구적인
급여 유형: 월간 간행물
직업: [cj제일제당] 식품성장추진실 m&a 경력사원 채용

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