
Kr7270 - A Reputable Elementary School In Chuncheon / March 2025, Cheonan-si

게시됨 2024-11-22
만료 2024-12-22
ID #2466896835
Kr7270 - A Reputable Elementary School In Chuncheon / March 2025, Cheonan-si
Korea South, 충청남도, 천안시,
게시됨 November 22, 2024


School Name: Chuncheon Sahmyook Elementary School School Type: Reputable Private Elementary School Location: Chuncehon City, Gangwon-do Starting Date: March 2025 Teaching Age Group: Grade School Students Working Hours: 8:50 AM-5:00 PM (Mon - Fri) Salary 2.3 mil/won/mon + teaching experiences Transportation: 0.2 million won per moth Vacation: 5 weeks + national holidays    No.

of native teacher: 7 Housing Furnished Single Benefits: Severance payment, National Pension(50/50), Health insurance(50/50), One way ticket provided after the contract with the school is completely over Requirements Be a native English Speaker Hold a passport from 7 English Speaking countries(USA, UK, CA, IR, AU, NZ) Hold a Bachelor's degree from 7 English Speaking countries(USA, UK, CA, IR, AU, NZ) No Criminal history Healthy(mentally, physically) Benefits Rent free apartment health insurance national pension One way plane ticke

작업 세부 정보:

직업 종류: 풀 타임
계약 유형: 영구적인
급여 유형: 월간 간행물
직업: Kr7270 - a reputable elementary school in chuncheon / march 2025

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