
Electrical Design Engineer (전기장비설계 엔지니어, 3년 이상, 안산 근무), Ansan-si

게시됨 2024-08-16
만료 2024-09-16
ID #2296657609
Electrical Design Engineer (전기장비설계 엔지니어, 3년 이상, 안산 근무), Ansan-si
Korea South, 경기도, 안산시,
게시됨 August 16, 2024


This job designs the equipment to meet the customer requirements and makes the drawings and MFG packages to enable the manufacturing team to manufacture the equipment. To respond to the customer request data, this job performs the data collection, information tracking, and history management about delivered equipment. This job also shapes products and parts to draw a 2 D and 3 D models with computer program. : Responsible for the data collection, information tracking, and history management of delivered equipment. Responsible for shaping products and parts by drawing 2 D and 3 D models using a computer program. Responsible for customer data, rework requests, warranties, and contribute to in-house development and certification. Packaging related work Customer Specification Review Create a Gas specification option table Create Gas specification PART BOM and Source Spec Create and Review New Controller Drawing Create a QR CODE and Distribute manufacturer drawings Review the Controller production problems and improvements Certification work support Create New project certification drawings (KCs, S-MARK, NEPSI)Draw and write the Certification nameplate and Model Name Certification Company collaboration equipment support COGS (Cost Of Goods Sold) work support Modification and creation of new project COGSReview of Community Satisfaction Survey (SKM) and customer requests New products development support Develop and Certification for Electrical New Part Check the schedule for development and certification Review new part conformity Electrical New Develop part test New develop part company test report report Internal test process for New part Identify and fix new part problems Who You Are: Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering (전기공학 or 전기전자공학)At least 3 years of work experience in Electric Design field Capable of utilizing Auto CAD 2 D (필수), Solidworks 3 D (우대) Understanding of gas properties preferred Knowledge of reactivity about gases and materials preferred Ability to select the appropriate part to reflect the above items SAP experience preferred Business proficient in English <유의사항>•여러분이 찾고 계시는 채용 포지션이 없으신가요? 그렇다면 인재풀(클릭)에 여러분의 이력서를 등록해주세요! 향후 인력 수요가 있을 경우 최우선으로 안내드리겠습니다.•지원 순으로 전형이 진행되며, 적합한 후보자 발견 시 채용이 바로 마감되오니 지원의사가 있으신 분들은 빠른 지원 바랍니다.•서버 안정성을 위해, 인터넷 익스플로러가 아닌 구글크롬, 혹은 마이크로소프트 엣지를 통한 지원 바랍니다.•보훈대상자 및 취업보호대상자는 관련법에 의거하여 우대합니다.•지원서의 기재사항이 사실과 다른 것으로 확인되거나 Reference from previous employer 상에 채용상의 결격사유가 확인될 경우 합격 또는 채용이 취소될 수 있습니다.•(The company reserves the right to withdraw the offer, it if discovers subsequently that a candidate has given false information in application or has provided false or fraudulent documentation in support of his/her application. The offer is conditional upon satisfactory results of reference checks.)•"머크 코리아 채용" 카카오톡 페이지와 친구를 맺어 최신 채용 소식을 받아보세요! (카카오톡에 '머크 코리아 채용'검색 후 친구추가)

작업 세부 정보:

직업 종류: 풀 타임
계약 유형: 영구적인
급여 유형: 월간 간행물
직업: Electrical design engineer (전기장비설계 엔지니어, 3년 이상, 안산 근무)

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